How to Apply Register online for PM Imran Khan Launches Emergency SMS Service cash on Ehsaas Program

On March 27, I launched the “Ehsaas” program, the objective of which is to reduce inequality, invest in people, and lift lagging districts.
Ehsaas is about the creation of a ‘welfare state’ by countering elite capture and leveraging 21st century tools—such as using data and technology to create precision safety nets; promoting financial inclusion and access to digital services; supporting the economic empowerment of women; focusing on the central role of human capital formation for poverty eradication, economic growth and sustainable development; and overcoming financial barriers to accessing health and post-secondary education.
The program’s principles and approaches also center on tapping whole-of-government multi-sectoral collaboration for solutions; ensuring joint federal-provincial leadership; and mainstreaming the role of the private sector through an approach which will provide a level playing field on the one hand and foster locally-relevant innovation on the other, to create jobs and promote livelihood in quick-win areas. The program’s premise is grounded in the importance of strengthening institutions, transparency and good governance.
The program is for the extreme poor, orphans, widows, the homeless, the disabled, those who risk medical impoverishment, for the jobless, for poor farmers, for laborers, for the sick and undernourished; for students from low-income backgrounds and for poor women and elderly citizens. This plan is also about lifting lagging areas where poverty is higher.
Ehsaas’ poverty reduction strategy is articulated in four pillars and it currently embodies 115 policy actions, which may be expanded as the process of consultations on the program, further widens. The four pillars include: addressing elite capture and making the government system work to create equality; safety nets for disadvantaged segments of the population; jobs and livelihoods; and human capital development.
How to Apply for PM Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2020
Send your ID card number to 8171 without a dash. The government will try to make your life easier by confirming your claim
Send poor people CNIC number 8171.
There are three categories in the 10 million
(1) 4.5 million existing Ehsas Kafaalat beneficiaries (all women) already getting Rs. 2000 will get extra Rs. 1000 emergency relief (total=Rs.3000) for the next 4months
Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program SMS Process in Urdu and Engish
Step 1:
Send your CNIC number to 8171
آپ کو اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر 8171 پر ایس ایم ایس کرنا ہے
Step 2:
If CNIC is valid you automatically move to the next step otherwise you will get a message stating “Your CNIC number is not eligible for the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program.”
اگر آپکا شناختی کارڈ نمبر احساس ایمرجنسی پروگرام كے لیے اہل ہے تو آپکو خود با خود اگلے مرحلے پر منتقل کیا جائے گا اور اگر آپکا شاناخی کارڈ نمبر اہل نہیں ہے تو آپکو بزریعہ میسیج مطلع کیا جائے گا
Step 3:
If the applicant is blocked due to sanity profiling he will be notified via SMS otherwise will move forward to the next step.
گر درخوست گزر کو غلط پروفیلنگ کی وجہ سے مسترد کیا گیا ہے تو ایسے میسیج كے ذریعے مطلع کیا جائے گا ورنہ اگلے مرحلے میں منتقل کیا جائے گا
Step 4:
If you or your spouse is a government employee you are not eligible for the Ehsas Emergency Cash Programme and will be notified via SMS otherwise you move on to the next step.
اگر آپ یا آپ کا شریک حیات ایک سرکاری ملازم ہے تو آپ احساس ایمرجنسی کیش پروگرام کے اہل نہیں ہیں اور آپ کو ایس ایم ایس کے ذریعہ مطلع کیا جائے گا اور آپ اگلے مرحلے پر آگے بڑھیں گے۔
Step 5:
If the CNIC number is present in the NSER (National Socio-Economic Registry) Data Base and it is eligible for the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program you will be notified via SMS accordingly and how to receive the cash grant.
اگر سی این آئی سی نمبر این ایس ای آر ڈیٹا بیس میں موجود ہے اور وہ احساس ایمرجنسی کیش پروگرام کے اہل ہے تو آپ کو ایس ایم ایس کے ذریعہ مطلع کیا جائے گا اور نقد گرانٹ کیسے وصول کیا جائے۔
Step 6:
If the CNIC is not present in the NSER (National Socio-Economic Registry) Data Base then you will be notified via SMS and told to contact your Regional Offices to apply for the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program.
اگر اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر نسیر كے ڈیٹابیس میں موجود نہیں ہے تو آپکو بزریعہ میسیج مطلع کر دیا جائے گا اور آپکو ریجنل آفس میں رابطہ کرنا ہو گا ٹیک آپ احساس کیش پروگرام كے لیے اپلائی کر سکے
Entrants are required to send their ID card number to 8171 without a dash Will tell you in response
1 You have been registered
2 Contact the administration
3 You don’t deserve this program
If you get a contact message from the administration, contact your Village Council Secretary or Office of the Tehsil (AC Office),
Note: Please be advised that you must convey this message to the poor and needy and deserving people in your village and area