Names of the Prophet (PBUH)
English | Urdu | Meaning | More |
Aadil | عادل | Just | Detail |
Aalim | عالم | The Scholar | Detail |
Abdullah | عبداللہ | Slave of Allah | Detail |
Abu al Qaasim | ابوالقاسم | The father of Qasim. | Detail |
Abu at Tahir | ابو الطاھر | The father of Tahir. | Detail |
Abu at Tayyib | ابوالطیب | The fater of Tayyib. | Detail |
Abu Ibrahim | ابو ابراھیم | The fater of Ibrahim. | Detail |
Afoow | عفو | Forgiver. | Detail |
Aheed | احید | He who takes to one side. | Detail |
Ahmad | احمد | Much praised | Detail |
Ajeer | اجیر | He who is rewarded. | Detail |
Alam ul Eeman | علم الایمان | The banner of faith. | Detail |
Alam ul Yaqeen | علم الیقین | The banner of belief. | Detail |
Alamul Hudaa | علم الھدیٰ | Banner of guidance. | Detail |
Aleem | علیم | The Knowledgeable | Detail |
Ameen | امین | The Honest One | Detail |
An Najm-us-Saqib | النجم الثاقب | Shining star. | Detail |
Aqib | عاقب | The Latest | Detail |
Arabi | عربی | The Arabi | Detail |
Awwal | اول | The First | Detail |
Ayn ul Ghurr | عین الغر | The chief of the chosen one. | Detail |
Ayn un Naeem | عین النعیم | The spring of blessing. | Detail |
Ayub | ایوب | A Biblical Prophet s Name. | Detail |
Aziz | عزیز | The Honoured One | Detail |
Baaligh | بالغ | He who attains the elevated ... | Detail |
Bar | بار | Pious | Detail |
Basheer | بشیر | The Messenger of Good News | Detail |
Bayan | بیان | Obvious words | Detail |
Burhan | برھان | The Evidence | Detail |
Bushraa | بشریٰ | Giver of good tidings. | Detail |
Daa | داع | The Invitor | Detail |
Daleel ul Khayraat | دلیل الخیرات | To guide to virtue. | Detail |
Faateh | فاتح | The Victor | Detail |
Faazil | فاضل | Virtuous. | Detail |
Faseehul Lisaan | فصیح اللسان | The eloquent of speech. | Detail |
Fatah | فتاح | The Successor, The Opener | Detail |
Ghani | غنی | The Rich | Detail |
Gharib | غریب | The Poor | Detail |
Ghaus | غوث | Succour, listener to complai... | Detail |
Ghays | غیث | Shower of mercy. | Detail |
Ghiyaas | غیاث | Full of succour. | Detail |
Haad | ھاد | The Leader | Detail |
Habeeb | حبیب | The Beloved. | Detail |
Habeebullah | حبیب اللہ | Beloved of Allah. | Detail |
Hafeey | حفی | Very merciful. | Detail |
Hafiz | حافظ | The Guardian | Detail |
Hakeem | حکیم | The Wise | Detail |
Hameed | حمید | The Thankful | Detail |
Hamid | حامد | The Praiser | Detail |
Haq | حق | The True, The Truth | Detail |
Harees-un-Alaikum | حریص علیکم | The Covetous for the Believers | Detail |
Hashim | ھاشم | The Destroyer, The Crusher o... | Detail |
Hashir | حاشر | The Awakener, The Gatherer | Detail |
Hashmi | ھاشمے | The Hashmi | Detail |
Hidayatullah | ہدایۃ اﷲ | Gift of Allah. | Detail |
Hijazi | حجازی | The Hijazi | Detail |
Hizbullah | حزب اللہ | Army of Allah. | Detail |
Hudaa | ھدیٰ | Guide. | Detail |
Hujjat | حجہ | The Right Argument | Detail |
Ikleel | اکلیل | Chief (of Prophets) | Detail |
Imam | امام | The Guide | Detail |
Imamul Muttaqeen | امام المتقین | Leader of the pious. | Detail |
Izzul Arab | عزالعرب | The honour of Arabs. | Detail |
Jaami | جامع | Perfect. | Detail |
Jabbar | جبار | Dominant. | Detail |
Jawwad | جواد | The Generous | Detail |
Kaaf | کاف | Sufficient, enough. | Detail |
Kaamil | کامل | Perfect. | Detail |
Kaashiful Kurab | کاشف الکرب | He who solves difficulties. | Detail |
Kafeel | کفیل | Surety. | Detail |
Kaleemullah | کلیم اللہ | Who converses with Allah. | Detail |
Kareem | کریم | The Noble | Detail |
Hamid | حامد | The Praiser | Detail |
Haq | حق | The True, The Truth | Detail |
Harees-un-Alaikum | حریص علیکم | The Covetous for the Believers | Detail |
Hashim | ھاشم | The Destroyer, The Crusher o... | Detail |
Hashir | حاشر | The Awakener, The Gatherer | Detail |
Hashmi | ھاشمے | The Hashmi | Detail |
Hidayatullah | ہدایۃ اﷲ | Gift of Allah. | Detail |
Hijazi | حجازی | The Hijazi | Detail |
Hizbullah | حزب اللہ | Army of Allah. | Detail |
Hudaa | ھدیٰ | Guide. | Detail |
Hujjat | حجہ | The Right Argument | Detail |
Ikleel | اکلیل | Chief (of Prophets) | Detail |
Imam | امام | The Guide | Detail |
Imamul Muttaqeen | امام المتقین | Leader of the pious. | Detail |
Izzul Arab | عزالعرب | The honour of Arabs. | Detail |
Jaami | جامع | Perfect. | Detail |
Jabbar | جبار | Dominant. | Detail |
Jawwad | جواد | The Generous | Detail |
Kaaf | کاف | Sufficient, enough. | Detail |
Kaamil | کامل | Perfect. | Detail |
Kaashiful Kurab | کاشف الکرب | He who solves difficulties. | Detail |
Kafeel | کفیل | Surety. | Detail |
Kaleemullah | کلیم اللہ | Who converses with Allah. | Detail |
Kareem | کریم | The Noble | Detail |
Khaleel ur Rahman | خلیل الرحمٰن | The freind of Compassionate. | Detail |
Khalil | خلیل | The True Friend | Detail |
Khatamul anbiya | خاتم الانبیآء | Seal of the Prophets. | Detail |
Khatamur Rusul | خاتم الرسل | Seal of Messengers. | Detail |
Khateeb | خطیب | The Sermoniser. | Detail |
Khateebul Umam | خطیب الامم | Sermoniser for the people. | Detail |
Khatim | خاتم | The Finalizer | Detail |
Maah | ماح | The obliterator of Infidelity | Detail |
Madani | مدنی | The Resident of Madina | Detail |
Madoow | مدعو | Who is called. | Detail |
Mahd | مھد | The Guided One | Detail |
Mahdi | مھدی | Who is guided. | Detail |
Mahmood | محمود | The Commendable | Detail |
Makeen | مکین | Who is given Rank | Detail |
Makhsoos bil Izz | مخصوص بالعز | Chosen to be honoured. | Detail |
Makhsoos bil Majd | مخصوص بالمجد | Chosen to be on the right pa... | Detail |
Makhsoos bil Sharaf | مخصوص بالشرف | Picked up as a noble. | Detail |
Maloom | معلوم | Known. | Detail |
Mamoon | مامون | Secure. | Detail |
Mansoor | منصور | Who is helped | Detail |
Maraj | معراج | The Place of Ascent, The Above | Detail |
Mashhood | مشھود | He who is witnessed. | Detail |
Mashkoor | مشکور | The Thankful | Detail |
Mateen | متین | The Strong | Detail |
Khaleel ur Rahman | خلیل الرحمٰن | The freind of Compassionate. | Detail |
Khalil | خلیل | The True Friend | Detail |
Khatamul anbiya | خاتم الانبیآء | Seal of the Prophets. | Detail |
Khatamur Rusul | خاتم الرسل | Seal of Messengers. | Detail |
Khateeb | خطیب | The Sermoniser. | Detail |
Khateebul Umam | خطیب الامم | Sermoniser for the people. | Detail |
Khatim | خاتم | The Finalizer | Detail |
Maah | ماح | The obliterator of Infidelity | Detail |
Madani | مدنی | The Resident of Madina | Detail |
Madoow | مدعو | Who is called. | Detail |
Mahd | مھد | The Guided One | Detail |
Mahdi | مھدی | Who is guided. | Detail |
Mahmood | محمود | The Commendable | Detail |
Makeen | مکین | Who is given Rank | Detail |
Makhsoos bil Izz | مخصوص بالعز | Chosen to be honoured. | Detail |
Makhsoos bil Majd | مخصوص بالمجد | Chosen to be on the right pa... | Detail |
Makhsoos bil Sharaf | مخصوص بالشرف | Picked up as a noble. | Detail |
Maloom | معلوم | Known. | Detail |
Mamoon | مامون | Secure. | Detail |
Mansoor | منصور | Who is helped | Detail |
Maraj | معراج | The Place of Ascent, The Above | Detail |
Mashhood | مشھود | He who is witnessed. | Detail |
Mashkoor | مشکور | The Thankful | Detail |
Mateen | متین | The Strong | Detail |
Mawsool | موصول | Having link with Allah. | Detail |
Miftaah | مفتاح | Key to the secrets. | Detail |
Miftaah ul Jannah | مفتاح الجنہ | The key to Paradise. | Detail |
Miftaah ur Rahmah | مفتاح الرحمہ | The key of mercy. | Detail |
Misbaah | مصباح | Shining lamp. | Detail |
Muammal | مومل | Hopeful. | Detail |
Muballigh | مبلغ | He who conveys. | Detail |
Mubarr | مبر | Rightous. | Detail |
Mubashir | مبشر | Bringer of good tidings. | Detail |
Mubeen | مبین | Obvious. | Detail |
Muddassir | مدثر | The Wrapped One | Detail |
Mufaddal | مفضل | He who is honoured. | Detail |
Muhammad | محمد | The Praised One | Detail |
Muhaymin | مھیمن | Preponderant. | Detail |
Muhyi | محیی | Who enlivens. | Detail |
Mujaab | مجاب | Whose prayer is answered. | Detail |
Mujeeb | مجیب | Who accepts answers. | Detail |
Mujtaba | مجتبٰے | The Selected | Detail |
Mukarram | مکرم | Who is made noble. | Detail |
Mukhtar | مختار | He who is picked | Detail |
Muktaf | مکتف | He who is content. | Detail |
Muneer | منیر | The Bright | Detail |
Muntahi | منتھی | The Examiner | Detail |
Muntaqa | منتقیٰ | Pious and pure. | Detail |
Munzir | منذر | He who warns. | Detail |
Muqaddam | مقدم | He who percedes. | Detail |
Muqaddas | مقدس | Sanctfied. | Detail |
Muqeel ul Asaraat | مقیل العثرات | The one who overlooks shortc... | Detail |
Muqeem us Sunnah | مقیم السنہ | He who establishes the relig... | Detail |
Muqtaf | مقتف | Successor | Detail |
Muqtasid | مقتصد | The Provident | Detail |
Murabi | مربی | The Fruit | Detail |
Murtaza | مرتضےٰ | The Beloved One | Detail |
Musaddiq | مصدق | The Verifier | Detail |
Musahih ul Hasanaat | مصحح الحسنات | The reformer to piety. | Detail |
Mushaffa | مشفع | He who is recommended. | Detail |
Muslih | مصلح | Reformer. | Detail |
Mustafa | مصطفٰے | The Chosen | Detail |
Mutaa | مطاع | Who is obeyed.; | Detail |
Mutabi | متبع | Detail | |
Mutahhar | مطھر | Who Purifies | Detail |
Mutahhar ul Jannah | مطھر الجنہ | Pure of heart. | Detail |
Mutawakkil | متوکل | He who relies (on Allah). | Detail |
Mutawasit | متوسط | The one who walks in center | Detail |
Mutee | مطیع | Obedient to Allah. | Detail |
Muzakkir | مذکر | The Adviser | Detail |
Muzammil | مزمل | The enfolded in robes | Detail |
Naasih | ناصح | Mentor exhorter. | Detail |
Nabi | نبی | The Prophet | Detail |
Nabiy ut-Tawbah | نبی التوبہ | The Prophet of Repentance. | Detail |
Nabiyur Rahmah | نبی الرحمہ | Prophet of mercy. | Detail |
Najiullah | نجی اللہ | Who speaks to Allah. | Detail |
Nakier | نکیر | Refuse | Detail |
Naseeh | نصیح | He who advises. | Detail |
Naseer | نصیر | The Conqueror | Detail |
Nasir | ناصر | The Helper | Detail |
Natiq | ناطق | Detail | |
Nazari | نزاری | Detail | |
Nazeer | نذیر | The Warmer | Detail |
Nimatullah | نعمت اللہ | Blessing of Allah. | Detail |
Noor | نور | The Light | Detail |
Qaaid ul Ghur ul Muhjjaleen | قأد الغر المحجلین | Leader of those whose limbs ... | Detail |
Qadamu Sidq | قدم صدق | The leader. | Detail |
Qaim | قاﺋم | Staying One | Detail |
Qasim | قاسم | The Diustributor | Detail |
Qawiyy | قوی | Powerful. | Detail |
Qayyim | قیّم | He Who Stays, Guardian | Detail |
Quraishi | قرشی | The Member of The Quraish | Detail |
Raafiur Rutab | رافع الرتب | He who elevates ranks. | Detail |
Raheem | رحیم | Merciful. | Detail |
Rahmah | رحمہ | Full of mercy. | Detail |
Raoof | رٶف | Compassionate. | Detail |
Rasheed | رشید | The Guided | Detail |
Rasool | رسول | The Messenger | Detail |
Rasool ul Mulaahim | رسول الملاحم | Messenger of combots. | Detail |
Rasool ur Raha | رسول الراحہ | Messenger of comfort. | Detail |
Rasool ur Rahmah | رسول الرحمہ | Messenger of mercy. | Detail |
Rauf | رٶف | The Compassionate | Detail |
Rooh ul Haqq | روح الحق | The truthful spirit. | Detail |
Rooh ul Qist. | روح القسط | The equitable spirit. | Detail |
Roohul Qudus | روح القدس | The holy spirit. | Detail |
Saadullah | سعداللہ | Blessing of Allah. | Detail |
Saahib | صاحب | The Companion | Detail |
Saahib ul Fazeelah | صاحب الفضیلہ | Owner of merit. | Detail |
Saahib ul Hujjah | صاحب الحجہ | Possessor of right arguement. | Detail |
Saahib ul Izaar | صاحب الازار | Owner of the garment. | Detail |
Saahib ul Maqaam | صاحب المقام | The owner of the praiseworth... | Detail |
Saahib ul Qadam | صاحب القدم | He who possesses leadership. | Detail |
Saahib ul Waseelah | صاحب الوسیلہ | Owner of intercession. | Detail |
Saahib ul-Shafaah | صاحب الشفاعہ | The owner of intercession. | Detail |
Saahib ur Ridaa | صاحب الرداء | Possessor of the mantle. | Detail |
Saahib us Sayf | صاحب السیف | Owner of the sword. | Detail |
Saahib us Sultan | صاحب السلطان | Owner of authority. | Detail |
Saahibud Darajir Rafee | صاحب الدرجہ الرفیع | Owner of the high station. | Detail |
Saahibul Alaamah | صاحب العلامہ | He who has the signs (of pro... | Detail |
Saahibul Bayan | صاحب البیان | He who owns the (obvious) wo... | Detail |
Saahibul burhan | صاحب البرھان | He who has the evidence. | Detail |
Saahibul Burraq | صاحب البراق | He who rode the Burraq. | Detail |
Saahibul Faraj | صاحب الفرج | Owner of comfort. | Detail |
Saahibul Khaatam | صاحب الخاتم | He who possesses the seal. | Detail |
Saahibul Liwaa | صاحب اللواء | Owner of the banner (of prai... | Detail |
Saahibul Mighfar | صاحب المغفر | Owner of the helmet. | Detail |
Saahibul Miraaj | صاحب المعراج | He who ascended to the heave... | Detail |
Saahibul Qadeeb | صاحب القضیب | Owner of the staff. | Detail |
Saahibut-Taaj | صاحب التاج | Owner of the crown. | Detail |
Saaiq | صاﺋق | He who drives (on the right ... | Detail |
Saalih | صالح | Righteous. | Detail |
Sabiq | سابق | The foremost | Detail |
Sadiq | صادق | The Truthful | Detail |
Sadul Khalq | سعد الخلق | Blessing for the creation. | Detail |
Safiullah | صفی اللہ | Chosen one of Allah | Detail |
Safooh an Azzallat | صفوح عن الزلات | He who overlooks lapses. | Detail |
Saheeh ul Islam | صحیح الاسلام | On the correct Islam. | Detail |
Sayfullah | سیف اللہ | Sword of Allah. | Detail |
Sayidul Mursaleen | سید المرسلین | Chief of the Messengers. | Detail |
Sayyid | سید | Chief. | Detail |
Sayyid ul Kawnayn | سیدالکونین | Cheif of the two worlds. | Detail |
Shaafi | شفیع | He who intercedes | Detail |
Shaahid | شاھد | He who bears witness. | Detail |
Shaf | شاف | The Healing | Detail |
Shafeeq | شفیق | Compassionate. | Detail |
Shafi | شفیع | He who intercedes | Detail |
Shaheed | شھید | Witness | Detail |
Shaheer | شھیر | Famous. | Detail |
Sidq | صدق | Truth. | Detail |
Siraaj | سراج | Lamp. | Detail |
Siraatullah | صراط اللہ | The path of Allah. | Detail |
Siratum Mustaqeem | صراط مستقیم | The straight path. | Detail |
Taha | طۂ | Who intercedes (for his peop... | Detail |
Tahir | طاھر | Pure. | Detail |
Tayyib | طیب | The Chaste, Good | Detail |
Tehami | تھامی | The Makkan | Detail |
Ummi | امی | The Scholar of the Holy Quran | Detail |
Ummiyy | امی | Unlettered. | Detail |
Urwatuwusqa | عروۃ وثقیٰ | Firm grasp. | Detail |
Uzunu Khayr | اذن خیر | Ears that hear the pious (wo... | Detail |
Waasil | واصل | He who arrived, joins (with ... | Detail |
Waheed | وحید | Who is matchless. | Detail |
Waiz | واعظ | The Deliverer | Detail |
Wajeeh | وجیح | Handsome. | Detail |
Wakeel | وکیل | He who looks over the sinful... | Detail |
Wali | ولی | The Protector, Friend | Detail |
Wasool | وصول | Who arrives. | Detail |
Yasin | یٰس | Chief (of mankind) | Detail |
Yateem | یتیم | Orphan | Detail |
Zahir | ظاھر | The Present | Detail |
Zakir | ذاکر | The Reciter | Detail |
Zikrullah | ذکر اللہ | Remembrance of Allah. | Detail |
Zu Fazl | ذو فضل | Enjoying merit. | Detail |
Zu Hurmah | ذوحرمہ | Scared. | Detail |
Zu Izz | ذوعز | The respectable. | Detail |
Zu Makaanah | ذومکانہ | The high ranking. | Detail |
Zu Quwwah | ذوقوه | Powerful. | Detail |